Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I have been tagged - thanks Amy!

1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Answer the six "8" items
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV Shows:
1- Bones
2- House
3- Criminal Minds
4- CSI:Miami
6- CSI
7- CMT's top 20 countdown
8- Private Practice

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1- Went to work
2- Had lunch with my mom
3- Took the dogs running (kids rode bikes)
4- Laundry
5- Took dinner to my grandma
6- Visited with my grandma
7- Fixed the kids dinner and got them ready for bed
8- Took the kids to my mom's to sleep over (had to be to work early)

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1- Halloween parties this weekend
2- Zoie's babies (coming in about 2 weeks)
3- Holidays
4- Jared finishing my basement
5- My anniversary weekend
6- November 3rd (we get that Monday off)
7- Seeing Wicked in the Spring
8- Summer (I do know that Winter isn't even here yet)

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1- Brick Oven
2- Fazoli's
3- Olive Garden
4- Los Hermanos
5- Goodwood (a new favorite)
6- Barn's Grill
7- Marina at Joe's Valley
8- My mom's house

8 Things On My Wish List:
1- Finished basement
2- New flooring
3- A toyota truck (I still miss mine)
4- Alaskan Cruise
5- A maid
6- A chef
7- For my kids to make good choices
8- For Jared to take me to Hawaii

8 People To Tag:


Danyale said...

You suck!! By the way, what a good girl to visit with Grandma. Isn't it always interesting?

Jessica said...

Thanks Shae - I promise one of these days I will totally get to the tag! If you haven't noticed you have become the "good" blogger and I am totally slacking in that dept right now!! I have some catching up to do for hunting and then I will be "it"!!!