Monday, October 27, 2008

On pins and needles

I know there are many of you who can empathize with her. I don't think I can take it anymore. I used to make fun of Jared. He said that my pregnancy was too hard on him to have any more kids. Hard on him? Are you kidding? Now, watching Zoie go through this, I have a better understanding of what he must have been feeling.

We have been watching and waiting. She doesn't do much anymore. She doesn't jump, run, play. I am pretty sure she is completely miserable. So sad. She should have these pups some time at the end of this week or the beginning of next. Not soon enough for her or me!


Jessica said...

I emathize... good luck to Zoie!

Jessica said...

I meant empathize... Hello...

Mist said...

I love puppies. I hope she has them soon. She is such a little dog. It has to be really hard on her! Keep us posted!

Elise said...

Poor Little Zoie. I cant wait to see them. Then i will want one maybe she better keep them in. I hope everything goes well.

Bre.Sean.Blake said...

Hang in there Zoe Bird. We can't wait for your babies!!

Joy said...

I feel her pain but can't wait. Enough already get those puppies here. Hey, ask Dan if he can give one to me for Christmas:)